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由杰里米·卡根执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。由梅雷迪斯·萨拉格尔,约翰·库萨克,雷·怀斯,莱妮·卡赞,斯加特曼·克罗索斯,贝瑞·米勒,弗娜·布鲁姆,布鲁斯·M·费希尔,约翰·芬尼根等多位著名实力派明星加盟,并于在美国上映。 Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he goes to Washington State to look for work in the timber industry. Natty runs away from the guardian she was left with to follow Dad. She befriends and is 详情