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由泰勒·派瑞执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。由卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆,梅根·坦迪,泰勒·莱普利,RonReaco,Lee,Joshua,Adeyeye,Nick,Barrotta,吉米·坦顿,Shannon,LaNier,Kim,Steele,Betty,Mitchell,安吉拉·哈里里,Kearia,Schroeder,Marcia,Harvey,Shyann,Malone,贾德·罗德曼,Wendell,Scott,Jr.,Crystal,Bui,克里斯汀·霍恩,Roxzane,T.,Mims,Brittney,A.,Grayer等多位著名实力派明星加盟,并于在美国上映。 The movie follows Fela Blackburn, whose life is shattered when she loses her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the hands of a police officer. Determined to get to the bottom of the incident and seek justice, she leans on her best friend, Marley Wells, who is a lawyer, and her husband, Tony Wells, who is 详情